Source code for pysap.SAPCredv2

# ===========
# pysap - Python library for crafting SAP's network protocols packets
# SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2021 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved.
# The library was designed and developed by Martin Gallo from
# the SecureAuth's Innovation Labs team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ==============

# Standard imports
import logging
from binascii import unhexlify
# External imports
from scapy.packet import Packet
from scapy.asn1packet import ASN1_Packet
from scapy.fields import (ByteField, ByteEnumField, ShortField, StrField, StrFixedLenField)
from scapy.asn1.asn1 import ASN1_IA5_STRING, ASN1_Codecs
from scapy.asn1fields import (ASN1F_SEQUENCE, ASN1F_SEQUENCE_OF, ASN1F_BIT_STRING,
                              ASN1F_IA5_STRING, ASN1F_INTEGER, ASN1F_SET, ASN1F_OID,
                              ASN1F_PRINTABLE_STRING, ASN1F_UTF8_STRING, ASN1F_optional)
# Import needed to initialize conf.mib
from scapy.asn1.mib import conf  # noqa: F401

# Custom imports
from pysap.SAPLPS import SAPLPSCipher
from pysap.utils.fields import ASN1F_CHOICE_SAFE
from pysap.utils.crypto import dpapi_decrypt_blob
# External imports
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import Hash, SHA256
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes

# Create a logger for the Credv2 layer
log_cred = logging.getLogger("pysap.cred")

cred_key_fmt = "240657rsga&/%srwthgrtawe45hhtrtrsr35467b2dx3456j67mv67f89656f75"
"""Fixed key embedded in CommonCryptoLib for encrypted credentials"""

[docs]class SAPCredv2_Decryption_Error(Exception): pass
[docs]class SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain(ASN1_Packet): ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER ASN1_root = ASN1F_SEQUENCE( ASN1F_IA5_STRING("pin", None), ASN1F_optional(ASN1F_IA5_STRING("option1", None)), ASN1F_optional(ASN1F_IA5_STRING("option2", None)), ASN1F_optional(ASN1F_IA5_STRING("option3", None)), )
[docs] def decrypt_provider(self, cred): """Decrypts a credential file already decrypted using the specified provider. This is platform dependent. :param cred: credential from where the blob was extracted :type cred: SAPCredv2_Cred :return: the content in the blob decrypted using the provider :rtype: string :raise Exception: if the provider is invalid or unsupported """ if self.option1 and self.option1 in self.providers: return self.providers[self.option1](self, cred) else: raise Exception("Invalid or unsupported provider")
[docs] @staticmethod def decrypt_MSCryptProtect(plain, cred): """Decrypts a credential using the Windows DP API. Requires the current logged-in user to have permissions to decrypt the blob stored in the credentials file. :param plain: plain credential extracted :type plain: SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain :param cred: credential from where the blob was extracted :type cred: SAPCredv2_Cred :return: the content in the blob decrypted using the provider :rtype: string """ entropy = cred.pse_path return dpapi_decrypt_blob(unhexlify(plain.blob.val), entropy)
PROVIDER_MSCryptProtect = "MSCryptProtect" """Provider for Windows hosts using DPAPI""" providers = { PROVIDER_MSCryptProtect: decrypt_MSCryptProtect, } """Definition of implemented providers"""
CIPHER_ALGORITHM_3DES = 0 """Constant for 3DES encryption algorithm""" CIPHER_ALGORITHM_AES256 = 1 """Constant for AES256 encryption algorithm""" cipher_algorithms = { CIPHER_ALGORITHM_3DES: "3DES", CIPHER_ALGORITHM_AES256: "AES256", } """Dict with encryption algorithms supported"""
[docs]class SAPCredv2_Cred_Cipher(Packet): """SAP Cred cipher packet. This is the header of an encrypted credential format 1. It contains all the required data to decrypt the stored credential. """ name = "SAP Cred Cipher Header" fields_desc = [ ByteField("version", 2), ByteEnumField("algorithm", 0, cipher_algorithms), ShortField("unknown", 0), StrFixedLenField("salt", None, 16), StrFixedLenField("iv", None, 16), StrField("cipher_text", None), ]
[docs]class SAPCredv2_Cred(ASN1_Packet): """SAP Credv2 Credential without LPS definition""" ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER ASN1_root = ASN1F_SEQUENCE( ASN1F_IA5_STRING("cert_name", None), ASN1F_IA5_STRING("unknown1", None), ASN1F_IA5_STRING("pse_path", None), ASN1F_IA5_STRING("unknown2", None), ASN1F_BIT_STRING("cipher", None), ) @property def common_name(self): return self.cert_name.val @property def pse_file_path(self): return self.pse_path.val @property def lps_type(self): return None @property def lps_type_str(self): return "OFF" @property def cipher_format_version(self): cipher = self.cipher.val_readable if len(cipher) >= 36 and ord(cipher[0]) in [0, 1]: return ord(cipher[0]) return 0 @property def cipher_algorithm(self): if self.cipher_format_version == 1: return ord(self.cipher.val_readable[1]) return 0
[docs] def decrypt(self, username): """Decrypt a credential given a particular username. Tries to identify the credential format and choose the decryption method to use. :param username: Username to use when decrypting :type username: string :return: decrypted object :rtype: SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain """ if self.cipher_format_version == 1: return self.decrypt_with_header(username) else: return self.decrypt_simple(username)
[docs] def decrypt_simple(self, username): """Decrypt a credential using the simple approach. It only handles 3DES. Tries to parse the decrypted object into a plain credential object type. If it fails, probably due to an invalid username use to decrypt it, raises an exception. :param username: Username to use when decrypting :type username: string :return: decrypted object :rtype: SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain """ blob = self.cipher.val_readable # Construct the key using the key format and the username key = (cred_key_fmt % username)[:24] # Set empty IV iv = "\x00" * 8 # Decrypt the cipher text with the derived key and IV decryptor = Cipher(algorithms.TripleDES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend()).decryptor() plain = decryptor.update(blob) + decryptor.finalize() return SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain(plain)
[docs] def decrypt_with_header(self, username): """Decrypt a credential file using the header. It handles 3DES and AES256 algorithms. Tries to parse the decrypted object into a plain credential object type. If it fails, probably due to an invalid username use to decrypt it, raises an exception. :param username: Username to use when decrypting :type username: string :return: decrypted object :rtype: SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain :raise SAPCredv2_Decryption_Error: if there's an error decrypting the object """ blob = self.cipher.val_readable header = SAPCredv2_Cred_Cipher(blob) # Validate supported version if header.version != 1: raise SAPCredv2_Decryption_Error("Version not supported") # Validate and select proper algorithm if header.algorithm == CIPHER_ALGORITHM_3DES: algorithm = algorithms.TripleDES elif header.algorithm == CIPHER_ALGORITHM_AES256: algorithm = algorithms.AES else: raise SAPCredv2_Decryption_Error("Algorithm not supported") def xor(string, start): """XOR a given string using a fixed key and a starting number.""" key = 0x15a4e35 x = start y = "" for c in string: x *= key x += 1 y += chr(ord(c) ^ (x & 0xff)) return y def derive_key(key, header, salt, username): """Derive a key using SAP's algorithm. The key is derived using SHA256 and xor from an initial key, a header, salt and username. """ digest = Hash(SHA256(), backend=default_backend()) digest.update(key) digest.update(header) digest.update(salt) digest.update(xor(username, ord(salt[0]))) digest.update("" * 0x20) hashed = digest.finalize() derived_key = xor(hashed, ord(salt[1])) return derived_key # Derive the key using SAP's algorithm key = derive_key(cred_key_fmt, blob[0:4], header.salt, username) # Decrypt the cipher text with the derived key and IV decryptor = Cipher(algorithm(key), modes.CBC(header.iv), backend=default_backend()).decryptor() plain = decryptor.update(header.cipher_text) + decryptor.finalize() # Perform a final xor over the decrypted content with a fixed key plain = xor(plain, 0x64FB914E) return SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain(plain)
[docs]class SAPCredv2_Cred_LPS(ASN1_Packet): """SAP Credv2 Credential with LPS definition""" ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER ASN1_root = ASN1F_SEQUENCE( ASN1F_INTEGER("version", 2), ASN1F_SEQUENCE( ASN1F_SET( ASN1F_SEQUENCE( ASN1F_OID("oid", ""), ASN1F_PRINTABLE_STRING("value", None) ) ) ), ASN1F_UTF8_STRING("pse_path", None), ASN1F_BIT_STRING("cipher", None), ) @property def common_name(self): return self.value.val @property def pse_file_path(self): return self.pse_path.val @property def lps_type(self): return ord(self.cipher.val_readable[1]) @property def lps_type_str(self): if self.lps_type in SAPLPSCipher.lps_types: lps = SAPLPSCipher.lps_types[self.lps_type] else: lps = "OFF" return lps @property def cipher_format_version(self): return ord(self.cipher.val_readable[0]) @property def cipher_algorithm(self): if self.version == 2: return CIPHER_ALGORITHM_AES256 else: return CIPHER_ALGORITHM_3DES
[docs] def decrypt(self, username=None): """Decrypt a credential file using LPS. :param username: Username to use when decrypting. Not used but kept to match signature :type username: string :return: decrypted object :rtype: SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain """ cipher = SAPLPSCipher(self.cipher.val_readable) log_cred.debug("Obtained LPS cipher object (version={}, lps={})".format(cipher.version, cipher.lps_type)) plain = cipher.decrypt() # Get the pin from the raw data plain_size = ord(plain[0]) pin = plain[plain_size + 1:] # Create a plain credential container plain_cred = SAPCredv2_Cred_Plain() = ASN1_IA5_STRING(pin) return plain_cred
[docs]class SAPCredv2Cred(ASN1_Packet): """SAP Credv2 Credential definition""" ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER ASN1_root = ASN1F_CHOICE_SAFE("cred", SAPCredv2_Cred(), SAPCredv2_Cred, SAPCredv2_Cred_LPS)
[docs]class SAPCredv2(ASN1_Packet): """SAP Credv2 Credential set definition""" ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER ASN1_root = ASN1F_SEQUENCE_OF("creds", None, SAPCredv2Cred)