Source code for pysap.SAPSNC

# ===========
# pysap - Python library for crafting SAP's network protocols packets
# SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2021 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved.
# The library was designed and developed by Martin Gallo from
# the SecureAuth's Innovation Labs team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ==============

# External imports
from scapy.fields import (ByteField, ShortField, IntField, StrFixedLenField, FieldLenField, StrLenField,
                          ConditionalField, ByteEnumKeysField, ShortEnumKeysField)
# Custom imports
from pysap.utils.fields import (PacketNoPadded)

# SNC Frame Types
snc_frame_type = {
    0x00: "REVERSE_REQ",
    0x01: "INIT_REQ",
    0x02: "INIT",
    0x03: "INIT_ACK",
    0x04: "ACCEPT",
    0x05: "ACCEPT_ACK",
    0x06: "ACCEPT_FAILED",
    0x07: "DATA_OPEN",
    0x0a: "SHUTDOWN",
    0x0b: "SHUTDOWN_MSG",
    0x0c: "REJECTED",
    0x0d: "ERROR",
    0x0e: "UNKNOWN",

# SNC Mech ID values
snc_mech_id_values = {
    0x00: "No security",
    0x01: "Generic GSS-API v2 Mechanism",
    0x02: "Kerberos 5/GSS-API v2",
    0x03: "Secude 5 GSS-API v2",
    0x04: "SAP's GSS-API v2 over NTLM(SSPI)",
    0x05: "SPKM1 GSS-API v2 library",
    0x06: "SPKM2 GSS-API v2 library",
    0x07: "reserved ID",
    0x08: "itsec",
    0x09: "SDTI Connect Agent",
    0x0a: "AccessMaster DCE",

# SNC Quality of protection values
snc_qop = {
    0x00: "INVALID",
    0x01: "OPEN",
    0x03: "PRIVACY/SEALED",
    0x07: "MIN",
    0x08: "DEFAULT",
    0x09: "MAX",

[docs]class SAPSNCFrame(PacketNoPadded): """SAP SNC Frame packet This packet is used to contain and wrap SNC Frames. """ name = "SAP SNC Frame" fields_desc = [ StrFixedLenField("eye_catcher", "SNCFRAME", 8), ByteEnumKeysField("frame_type", 2, snc_frame_type), ByteField("protocol_version", 5), ShortField("header_length", 24), FieldLenField("token_length", 0, length_of="token", fmt="I"), FieldLenField("data_length", 0, length_of="data", fmt="I"), ShortEnumKeysField("mech_id", 3, snc_mech_id_values), ShortField("flags", 0), ConditionalField(IntField("ext_flags", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.header_length > 24), ConditionalField(FieldLenField("ext_field_length", 0, length_of="ext_fields", fmt="!H"), lambda pkt: pkt.header_length > 24), ConditionalField(StrLenField("ext_fields", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.ext_field_length), lambda pkt: pkt.header_length > 24), StrLenField("token", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.token_length), StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.data_length), ]
[docs]def unwrap_snc(s, offset): """Unwraps an SNC frame if it's possible. This is, if the frame type is data open or signed but not encrypted. Appends the unwrapped data to the end of the string being dissected and adjust the offset properly to skip the SNC frame. :param s: string to dissect :type s: C{string} :param offset: offset where the SNC frame starts :type offset: int :return: tuple of string with the SNC frame wrapped, adjusted offset :rtype: tuple of C{string}, int """ snc_frame = SAPSNCFrame(s[offset:]) if snc_frame.frame_type in [0x07, 0x08] and snc_frame.data_length > 0: s = s + offset += snc_frame.header_length + snc_frame.token_length + snc_frame.data_length return s, offset
[docs]def wrap_snc(s, offset, data): """Wraps an SNC frame if it's possible. This is, if the frame type is data open. Adds the data to the frame and properly updates the length field on the SNC frame. :param s: string to dissect :type s: string :param offset: offset where the SNC frame starts :type offset: int :param data: data to wrap :type data: string :return: string with the SNC frame wrapped :rtype: string """ snc_frame = SAPSNCFrame(s[offset:]) if snc_frame.frame_type == 0x07: = data snc_frame.data_length = len(data) snc_frame_length = snc_frame.header_length + snc_frame.token_length + snc_frame.data_length s = s[:offset] + str(snc_frame)[:snc_frame_length] return s