Source code for pysap.utils.crypto.rsec

# ===========
# pysap - Python library for crafting SAP's network protocols packets
# SECUREAUTH LABS. Copyright (C) 2021 SecureAuth Corporation. All rights reserved.
# The library was designed and developed by Martin Gallo from
# the SecureAuth's Innovation Labs team.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ==============

[docs]class RSECCipher(object): MODE_ENCODE = 1 MODE_DECODE = 2 byte_bit = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] # This is used to rotate the values totrot = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28] # Table for the first key generation step (transposition and compression) # The values in this table are the ones in the DES standard. pc1 = [57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35, 27, 19, 11, 3, 60, 52, 44, 36, 63, 55, 47, 39, 31, 23, 15, 7, 62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21, 13, 5, 28, 20, 12, 4] # Table for the second key generation step (compression) # The values in this table are the ones in the DES standard. pc2 = [14, 17, 11, 24, 1, 5, 3, 28, 15, 6, 21, 10, 23, 19, 12, 4, 26, 8, 16, 7, 27, 20, 13, 2, 41, 52, 31, 37, 47, 55, 30, 40, 51, 45, 33, 48, 44, 49, 39, 56, 34, 53, 46, 42, 50, 36, 29, 32] # Table for the substitution process table = [ 8421888, 0, 32768, 8421890, 8421378, 33282, 2, 32768, 512, 8421888, 8421890, 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67174404, 67109120, 0, 65796, 67109120, 65540, 67108868, 67108868, 65536, 67174660, 65540, 67174400, 260, 67108864, 4, 67174656, 256, 65792, 67174400, 67174404, 65796, 67109124, 65792, 65536, 67109124, 4, 67174660, 256, 67108864, 67174656, 67108864, 65540, 260, 65536, 67174656, 67109120, 0, 256, 65540, 67174660, 67109120, 67108868, 256, 0, 67174404, 67109124, 65536, 67108864, 67174660, 4, 65796, 65792, 67108868, 67174400, 67109124, 260, 67174400, 65796, 4, 67174404, 65792, 2151682048, 2147487808, 2147487808, 64, 4198464, 2151678016, 2151677952, 2147487744, 0, 4198400, 4198400, 2151682112, 2147483712, 0, 4194368, 2151677952, 2147483648, 4096, 4194304, 2151682048, 64, 4194304, 2147487744, 4160, 2151678016, 2147483648, 4160, 4194368, 4096, 4198464, 2151682112, 2147483712, 4194368, 2151677952, 4198400, 2151682112, 2147483712, 0, 0, 4198400, 4160, 4194368, 2151678016, 2147483648, 2151682048, 2147487808, 2147487808, 64, 2151682112, 2147483712, 2147483648, 4096, 2151677952, 2147487744, 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self.table[2 * 64 + (((r_1 >> 19) ^ sub_key[2]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[3 * 64 + (((r_1 >> 15) ^ sub_key[3]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[4 * 64 + (((r_1 >> 11) ^ sub_key[4]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[5 * 64 + (((r_1 >> 7) ^ sub_key[5]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[6 * 64 + (((r_1 >> 3) ^ sub_key[6]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[7 * 64 + ((r_2 ^ sub_key[7]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[1 * 64 + (((r_1 >> 23) ^ sub_key[1]) & 0x3F)] | \ self.table[0 * 64 + (sub_key[0] & 0x3F ^ (32 * r_1 | (r_1 >> 27)) & 0x3F)] return value def _decode_v1(self, keys, block, chain): if chain and block: chain_rest = [0]*8 for i in range(8): chain_rest[i] = block[i] blocks = self._permute(self.iperm, block) init_xor = blocks[7] | ((blocks[6] | ((blocks[5] | (blocks[4] << 8)) << 8)) << 8) init_r = self._f(blocks[7] | ((blocks[6] | ((blocks[5] | (blocks[4] << 8)) << 8)) << 8), keys[len(keys) - 8:]) tmp_r = (blocks[3] | ((blocks[2] | ((blocks[1] | blocks[0] << 8) << 8)) << 8)) ^ init_r tmp_1 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[112:120]) ^ init_xor tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_1, keys[104:112]) tmp_2 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[96:104]) ^ tmp_1 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_2, keys[88:96]) tmp_3 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[80:88]) ^ tmp_2 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_3, keys[72:80]) tmp_4 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[64:72]) ^ tmp_3 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_4, keys[56:64]) tmp_5 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[48:56]) ^ tmp_4 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_5, keys[40:48]) tmp_6 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[32:40]) ^ tmp_5 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_6, keys[24:32]) tmp_7 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[16:24]) ^ tmp_6 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_7, keys[8:16]) tmp_8 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[0:8]) ^ tmp_7 blocks[0] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 3) blocks[1] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 2) blocks[2] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 1) blocks[3] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 0) blocks[4] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 3) blocks[5] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 2) blocks[6] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 1) blocks[7] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 0) block = self._permute(self.fperm, blocks) if chain and block: self._xor(block, chain) chain = chain_rest return block, chain def _encode_v1(self, keys, block, chain): if chain: block = self._xor(block, chain) blocks = self._permute(self.iperm, block) init_xor = blocks[7] | ((blocks[6] | ((blocks[5] | (blocks[4] << 8)) << 8)) << 8) init_r = self._f(blocks[7] | ((blocks[6] | ((blocks[5] | (blocks[4] << 8)) << 8)) << 8), keys[:8]) tmp_r = (blocks[3] | ((blocks[2] | ((blocks[1] | blocks[0] << 8) << 8)) << 8)) ^ init_r tmp_1 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[8:16]) ^ init_xor tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_1, keys[16:24]) tmp_2 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[24:32]) ^ tmp_1 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_2, keys[32:40]) tmp_3 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[40:48]) ^ tmp_2 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_3, keys[48:56]) tmp_4 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[56:64]) ^ tmp_3 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_4, keys[64:72]) tmp_5 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[72:80]) ^ tmp_4 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_5, keys[80:88]) tmp_6 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[88:96]) ^ tmp_5 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_6, keys[96:104]) tmp_7 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[104:112]) ^ tmp_6 tmp_r ^= self._f(tmp_7, keys[112:120]) tmp_8 = self._f(tmp_r, keys[120:128]) ^ tmp_7 blocks[0] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 3) blocks[1] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 2) blocks[2] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 1) blocks[3] = self._get_bit(tmp_8, 0) blocks[4] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 3) blocks[5] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 2) blocks[6] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 1) blocks[7] = self._get_bit(tmp_r, 0) block = self._permute(self.fperm, blocks) if chain: chain = block return block, chain def _generate_keys(self, key): keys = [0] * 128 array_1 = [0] * 56 array_2 = [0] * 56 for i in range(56): idx_bb = (self.pc1[i] - 1) & 7 idx_k = (self.pc1[i] - 1) >> 3 array_1[i] = int(self.byte_bit[idx_bb] & key[idx_k] != 0) for j in range(16): value = self.totrot[j] for k in range(56): idx = value if k >= 28: if value >= 56: idx = value - 28 else: if value >= 28: idx = value - 28 array_2[k] = (array_1[idx]) value += 1 for n in range(48): if array_2[self.pc2[n] - 1]: tmp = self.byte_bit[n % 6] tmp = tmp >> 2 keys[8 * j + n / 6] |= tmp return keys
[docs] def crypt(self, mode, blob, key, length): """Runs a round of encoding/decoding using SAP's custom TripleDES implementation as in SSFS and RSECTAB. :param mode: encode or decode mode :type mode: int :param blob: blob to encode :type blob: list of int :param key: key to use to encode :type key: list of int :return: encoded blob :rtype: list of int :raise Exception: if encoding failed """ def transf_encode(blocks, blob, length): return blocks[len(blocks) - 8:] def transf_decode(blocks, blob, length): return blob[length - (length % 8) - 8:length - (length % 8)] # Pick the right functions and padding transforms according to the mode if mode == self.MODE_ENCODE: func_1 = self._encode_v1 transf = transf_encode elif mode == self.MODE_DECODE: func_1 = self._decode_v1 transf = transf_decode else: raise AttributeError("Invalid mode") blocks = [] keys = self._generate_keys(key) chain = [0] * 8 if length >= 8: num_block = length >> 3 for i in range(num_block): inout, chain = func_1(keys, blob[i * 8:8 + i * 8], chain) for j in inout: blocks.append(j) if length % 8: inout, chain = self._encode_v1(keys, transf(blocks, blob, length), [0] * 8) inout = self._xor(blob[length - (length % 8):], inout) for k in inout: blocks.append(k) return blocks